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Fakultät Maschinenbau
Welcome to the

Department of machine elements


Classification of students for the technical drawing online test

Prüfungsmeldung - unausgefülltes Prüfungspapier; Piktogrammdarstellung © Kim Verena Claassen ​/​ FG ME

Dear students,

The following list shows the times at which you will take the multiple-choice test on 19.02., 21.02. and 23.02.2024.

Please arrive on time. No aids are necessary.

Please contact Dr. Möller , if you have any questions.


Yours sincerely, Kim Verena Claassen

How to find us

Locations of the Department of Machine Elements


Mechanical Engineering Building I


Experimental Hall

Activity administration manufacturing, experiments experiments
Address Leonhard-Euler-Str. 5, gateway 6 Emil-Figge-Str. 68,
driveway 13
(Located in the chemical engineering building CT-F3 K04-K05)
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 18, gateway 38